I feel so bad for my little fur-butt...or not so little fur-butt according to the vet. A few months ago the vet commented on how Kramer was a little "tubby". Now all us mommies ;) (hehe) know that it not only hurt Kramers feelings, it hurt mine as well. So after that I kinda forgot until others have started mentioning Kmans size and weight :( So, 2 months ago we put Kramer on a diet. Now Kramer hates his diet as much as any other person hates dieting. He is such a drama queen when he wants more food he will cry, bark, throw his bowl, lay in his bowl....you name it he has done it...all in the name of getting some more grub! Well where am I going with this you ask? Well today I went to the vet with Kramer for his shots and I was so excited for Kramer to finally be able to measure his success (the big weigh in). Drum roll please.......................................
Kramer has put on 2 pounds! How is that possible? We have cut back his food 2/3!!! We used to give him almost 9 cups a day and now he only gets 3!!! Poor guy! I stood in the vet astonished... How is this possible?
Our little tubb-ster that we love 2 extra pounds and all :)
Crafting Tasty Holiday Snack Boards
1 year ago
Poor Kramer. That lack of food and nothing to show for it.
It's the same way with kids. I shove food into them all day, everyday. And they don't even register on the growth chart. They are below it.
So does this mean he gets to pig out again?
I know huh! I told him thats how I feel when I diet....eat nothing and gain, LOL. Nope, he is now on prescription diet doggie food...starting today :)
Yuck!. Poor doggy!
hey cassie did you take the winter fur coat into accountability when you weighed him?? isn't kman like bandit it gets colder and they bulk up on fat to keep them warmer?? like their body naturally does it..
Umm he still weighs a whole lot more then last winter so it doesn't really matter about his fur he needs to lose about 10 pounds :)
this made me laugh btw-last check-up, both our girlies were overweight. oops. haha. we just love them too much is how i see it. :) and YES! NEW super mario is awesome! i LOOVVVVEEED the original mario, though-so if you were a fan-you will LOVE IT! :)
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