Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kramer update

I was reading through old posts and realized that I haven't said anything about my favorite fur butt in awhile.... Here is a pic of Cory and him wearing matching coats, hehe....Anyways~K is still in his lampshade...poor yes he has been having to wear it now for 5 months!!! Hopefully it will get better soon but geez la weez enough already!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

just my thoughts....

This is what my thoughts are on buying a home while trying to sell your current home.....

Banging head against wall Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm not even kidding.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A pic of Cory and I

As some of you know that ever visit my myspace page I rarely get pics of Cory and I together. I always have 10 million of my friends but I never grab the camera with just Cory and I unless we are on vaca or something... so I was pleased with this pic for two reasons:

1. We are together
2. I didn't hate it and delete it asap, LOL.

Monday, February 2, 2009

This so describes me, LOL!

I love this commercial. This was one of the big superbowl ads for those of you who live in the twilight zone and missed it.