I remember something similar to this last spring. I don't know how but Kramer always manages to find the only mudhole in the desert. We thought we were just by a spring but he somehow found a hole that went waist high! Silly dog ;)
After I got back from Vegas it was apparent my boy missed me real bad. He didn't leave my side for 2 days!!
Crafting Tasty Holiday Snack Boards
1 year ago
awwwww! he's a sweetie! i am excited to hear about your cookbook adventures! and reading about cory's reaction-PRICELESS. i'm sure my husband would have felt the same!
cass cory and Kman
of course mr. K would find the mudhole!!!! congrats cass on your exercise and body shape efforts! makes all your winter work worthwhile!!
LOve Mom Karen and Duke
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