Sunday, September 7, 2008

Go Patriots!

I have never been a huge football fan but in my house it is always on during the season so I figured I should get a team to cheer for. So last year I found my team, thanks to Tom Brady :) Once I seen him (hehe) I knew my team....haha.

Naturally, I had to pick a different team then Cory because what fun is that to cheer for the same team :) His team is the Broncos ;(

I guess Kramer is a Bronco's fan too because he has a Broncos dog bowl, leash and collar!!!

And for the game days Cory got me a Patriots jersey which of course I got in pink :)


Tiffany said...

Come on Patriots. Of course I will admit that they are better than broncos. yucky. My team is the 49ers, yes I know they have sucked that last couple years but thats okay. Welcome to the game.

dani said...

oh gal. football sucks!